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Fidelity Corporate Social Responsibility
We've constantly approached our corporate social responsibilities as efforts to impact people and the society in which we do business.
Fidelity csr
About Fidelity CSR
At Fidelity Bank, we believe that organisations and the societies in which they do business are in a symbiotic relationship.
This is why we have taken Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a core of our existence right from the inception of the bank over two decades ago.
Our aim is to be the best organisation in the area of CSR. That is why we have a Fidelity Helping Hands Programme through which we have initiated, developed and executed a good number of successful projects and sustainable initiatives. As a bank, we are fortunate to have employees who are actively engaged in all our CSR activities. This commitment has in no small measure impacted positively on our host communities and the society at large.
Nneka Onyeali-Ikpe – MD/CEO, Fidelity Bank

In a society that is highly competitive, fostering co-operation will help solve the many challenges facing the society. This include devoting and resources to others rather than self. This will bring about solidarity that nurtures harmonious relationships.
If we decide to stick to our primary purpose of existence, we would have missed the chance to care which of course will result to lack in the midst of abundance. To resolve this, we must be a caring economy in order to solve the issue of inequality. We must serve and not to be served.
Here at Fidelity Bank, we are committed to developing quality product s and providing quality services that create value for customers while we always strive to give back to those around us.
These we have achieved through efficient management of our Material and Human resources.
I am proud to say that our staff members understand the seriousness the Bank accord to CSR and this has manifested through the number of projects the Bank has executed through the staff volunteer programme called the Fidelity Helping Hands Programme over the years.
Since the last edition of “Serving Our communities” (The Bank’s periodic CSR Publication) in 2015, close to a hundred projects have been executed and commissioned till date.
I am delighted to celebrate FFHP at ten as we look back with fond memories, how it all started, our achievements so far and future plans.
Please permit me to dedicate this special Edition to all the Staff of Fidelity Bank both past and present known as the FHHP Ambassadors, our beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

The Nigerian Conservation Foundation

Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency

Centre Social Awareness, Advocacy & Ethics Inc

Gazelle Business Solutions

Sebeccly Cancer Care

Meadow Hall Foundation

Empathy Driven Women International Initiative (EDWIIN)

Sickle Cell Awareness and Management Initiative (SAMI) Health

The Equator Principle

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

The Bridge Consult

Community Humanitarian Emergency Bank